Chicago – 2007

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The criminal cast of The Holly Theatre's production of Chicago includes, from left, Heatherly Nelson as Velma Kelley, Stefanie Clouse as Roxie Hart and John Certusi as Billy Flynn. To read a review of the play click on the A&E link. (Staff photo by MATT AIKEN)

The criminal cast of The Holly Theatre’s production of Chicago includes, from left, Heatherly Nelson as Velma Kelley, Stefanie Clouse as Roxie Hart and John Certusi as Billy Flynn. To read a review of the play click on the A&E link. (Staff photo by MATT AIKEN)


singing Strip Tease  Chicago was in many ways a break out production for the HTC. It stretched the limits of where we had been and it was met with great applause from awed audiences that loved the show.

anything-goes-playbillanything-goes-cast-listanything-goes-crew-listjohn-and-ensemble-2jaime-and-nickjohn-and-billjohn-and-colleenjaime-and-groupMoonie WEBJOhn and EnsembleReno WEBWEB bonvoyageWEB lets misbehaveanythinggoesfinal12794603_1245412575473718_318050312739375645_n


to-kill-a-mockingbird-2007-playbillto-kill-a-mockingbird-2007-cast-and-crew-listTo Kill A Mockingbird 2007 pic
